Sliding ScaleTuition
Our goal is a learning environment that reflects the broad and richly diverse community in which our children live.
We recognize that each family is doing everything possible to make a meaningful contribution towards their children’s education and we have developed an innovative tuition policy that provides opportunities for all families to enroll in our program.
Schools typically divide the operating costs of the program by the number of enrolled children to determine the base tuition. Families with greater financial means may easily pay the base tuition and consider it a bargain, while families with fewer financial resources struggle to afford the base tuition. Many schools offer “financial aid” or “tuition assistance” to help families pay a base tuition that is calculated on the needs of the program and not the circumstances of the families.
Example enrollment and tuition
Our goal is to serve families who want the best for their children and recognize the quality of a Montessori education, regardless of the family’s financial means. We ask all families to make contributions that align with their financial means.
Sage Montessori does not have one base tuition rate – instead we have five different tuition rates. The tuition rate for each family is calculated from that family’s annual income with the intended result that families pay a similar percentage of their annual income to share the collective cost of the program as a whole.
Example enrollment and tuition assessments

How does the Sage Montessori Tuition program work?
Step 1: As part of the application process, each family estimates income using the HealthCare.Gov Annual Income Calculator. The estimate identifies a tuition starting point that may be adjusted later in the process to suit each family’s circumstances. Families who elect not to provide financial information will pay the maximum tuition on our sliding scale.
Step 2: After an application has been processed and a child is offered enrollment at Sage Montessori school, families are invited to provide any additional information about their specific circumstances that may help determine an appropriate tuition.
Sage Montessori may request specific documentation or evidence related to these specific circumstances.
Step 3: On a case-by-case basis, the Sage Board of Trustees further refines the tuition expectation for the family based on all available data.
Step 4: The school informs the family of the final tuition rate and the family accepts or declines the offer of enrollment.
How is tuition handled in situations where parents are separated, divorced, remarried or cohabitants?
We ask that all parents who will be contributing to a child’s education please submit a Family Financial Statement as part of the application process. Special circumstances and/or legal agreements may be submitted for special consideration.
Who has access to my financial information?
The school is committed to protecting the privacy of families. All financial information received by the school is held in the strictest confidence and only the Sage Montessori Board of Trustees has access to a family’s application materials.
Is the tuition set for my child’s entire time at Sage Montessori?
We ask families to resubmit financial information each year so that tuition levels can be adjusted as needed based on changing circumstances. Families who elect not to provide financial information will be expected to pay the maximum tuition on our sliding scale.
Who handles questions regarding Flexible Tuition?
Questions about Flexible Tuition should be addressed to Ed Stanford, Guide Leader.